Wednesday, September 3, 2014


The words that you speak to me tonight will remain forever and always. This dark strange poison, that you send creeping every time you stop to think of me cuts so very deep. The truths that ebb and flow with time cannot be repeated for the dark fate we live makes it so. The past will stay and the future is unknown, so look towards the future and forget the past because today is new and yesterday is gone.

Leave. Just leave. Leave it all behind, for the torture you make us endure contemplating what cannot be is neither constructive nor uplifting. The memories you persistently tell me of torture me,  and there is nothing I can do except wait for the pain to ease. That is not love. That is not love. Love is uplifting and kind, it never varies and never leaves. It never forces and will not torment. It is beautiful and warm, consistent and true.

And yes, there was a time when I loved you. But time is a funny thing. Time flows without thought and without emotion, without a glance to the past.  We as humans are the ones that make time worth our lives and we as humans are the ones who lets it pass us by. I gave you my heart and my soul once upon a time. You were just in another place once upon a time. Now we have to live and breath and kiss and love not one another but two others. Two people that are willing to give their hearts and souls. Two people that will love tried and true. Two people that no matter the pain we cause from reminiscing of the time we had together will remain because love is a choice and they chose us. Time is short but love is forever when it truly means something. Something that apparently I didn't mean to you once upon a time.

The memories of holding eachother and kissing eachother and me loving you do not outweigh nor erase the memories and the feelings of the pain I felt. The tears I cried. The hours I spent wondering what I did wrong. The days of believing I wasn't good enough. The years of wondering if you truly ever loved me the way you said you did. The trust I gave broken into pieces. The love I gave you thrown back into my face. The pain I am blamed for because all I wanted was to love you. The fact that you left me for another and still do. The memory of everything going so well then, one day, it all just ended.

Now that I am trying to live my time with someone who loves me, you return with words of love and apology, and nostalgia. Yet, you never changed. You will forever choose another before me. Yourself.

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