Friday, July 25, 2014


Tears run down her face as the monster enters the room. Slowly taking what innocence she has. Every time she tries to scream the creature keeps her silent. All she wants is for it to end. When will it stop? It seems to never stop. Where can she run? There is no where she can run. She closes her eyes, the pain will be over soon. Escapes into her mind, the fear will subside. She thinks of a time where she felt safe and sound. The monster leaves and she's left alone with the thoughts of going home. She doesn't want to exist anymore. The pain so great that she thinks of ending it all. Just to feel relief from what she's had to endure. When will it stop? It seems to never stop. Where can she run? There is no where she can run. She closes her eyes, the pain will be over soon. Escapes into her mind, the fear will subside. She thinks of a time where she felt safe and sound.


This world of ours is only in our minds. A projection of what we wish it to be. The feelings are true but reality is a lie. In order to live we must beat the game. The game that tests our grasp to what is real and what is not. The game that tests our strengths and our weaknesses. The game that will consume us or set us free. This life is only a game that one day ends. Will you play it with me?